Quarantine and isolation are two of the most common words we have heard since the onset of coronavirus or COVID-19 infection. What is this quarantine and isolation? What is the need for all this? Is quarantine the same as isolation? What is the difference between them? Why stay in quarantine or isolation? Which one is needed for when? How long is this process? What to do while in quarantine and isolation? Today I will talk about the answers to these familiar questions - What is quarantine? People who seem to be outwardly healthy, but may or may not be healthy, may have germs in them but have no symptoms - they are quarantined. In the case of coronavirus, a person is initially kept in a special system called quarantine for 14 days. If someone is quarantined for 14 days, if there are germs in them, then symptoms will appear. He is said to be completely healthy if he does not show symptoms from quarantine. And if symptoms appear while being kept in quarantine, it should be taken in isolation. Who needs quarantine? Everyone is now being advised to stay in quarantine to prevent coronavirus infection. It is mandatory to stay in quarantine for at least 14 days, especially for those who come from outside the country (where there is a corona infection). Because the disease has already been declared an epidemic worldwide. Prevention is so important because there is no cure for this disease. Why is quarantine necessary? Does quarantine mean living under house arrest? Many are panicking, confusing quarantine with being held at home. It has already been mentioned that quarantine means to stay apart for a certain period of time. However, quarantine does not mean that someone is completely isolated. If a person develops symptoms of the corona virus, they are asked to stay away from populated areas and stay away for a while to prevent the spread of the virus. It takes 14 days for the disease to fully manifest after being exposed to the virus. He has been asked to do home quarantine for 14 days. Home quarantine means you stay in your own home. If symptoms appear in it, action should be taken as soon as possible. And if the symptoms do not appear, the person can be considered a healthy person. Precautions to be taken while in quarantine - - Stay at home. - Use a separate toilet if possible. - Use a separate towel, towel, for yourself. Keep your bed separate. - Avoid human contact as much as possible. - Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, sanitizer or hand wash once every hour for at least 20 seconds. (Especially after each sneeze-cough) - You can't poke your nose and eyes unnecessarily. If you want to do it alone, clean your hands. - Remove areas that are likely to be touched repeatedly at the end of the day with a good disinfectant. Such as door handle, computer, phone, toilet etc. (Clean your hands even after taking money.) - Sneezing - Cover your face when coughing. In this case, take the help of the elbow instead of the palm of the hand. What is isolation? Isolation for whom? How long does isolation last? Who needs isolation? Isolation is the process of isolating and treating a person when he or she has symptoms, even if the germs are present or not. In this particular method, it is most important to make sure that the patient himself and anything used by the patient does not come in contact with anyone. There is no set time for isolation. It is kept in isolation until completely healed. In isolation, the patient usually has to be under the close supervision of doctors and nurses in the hospital. No one is allowed to meet while in isolation. In short, isolation is for sick people, that is, for those who have already shown signs of infection, while quarantine is for healthy or seemingly healthy people. What can be used during this time - - Be careful not to panic to prevent corona infection. - It is better not to leave the house unless you need to. Even if you have to go out, take the necessary steps and then go out. - Give the family time. - Read good books. - Learn a new skill. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube and other sites to learn different topics. You can learn software like Excel, PowerPoint. - You can listen to Ted Talk. You can find a good topic by typing the name of your favorite topic and then searching by typing Ted Talk. - You can concentrate on your religious work. - Many of us do not communicate with relatives due to busy schedule. During this time, if you want, they can be contacted through phone, WhatsApp, Facebook. Above all, we must follow the rules and regulations necessary to protect ourselves from this epidemic.